Floor markings are essential in the Industrial sector – just like the associated removal of markings.
Markings designate safe transport routes and label production lines or indicate in which areas certain materials must be stored. But what happens when one of these markings needs to be changed?
In this case, we are the experts for the professional and environmentally friendly removal of existing floor markings. We remove all kinds of markings using high-pressure water jet technology. Through the combination of heat and water pressure, floor markings can be removed without leaving a trace. Residues are collected in an intermediate bulk container (IBC) and disposed of by us as special waste items.
Our fully trained staff remove markings in a standardised and environmentally friendly manner.
normgerecht und umweltfreundlich von unseren
environmentally friendly manner.
Do you need new markings after removing the old ones? We can do that too! Contact us today and we will remove and renew your floor markings without further ado.